St. Pat's Stained Glass, a flower like shape of beautiful colours with a holy spirit dove at the centre

Registration Forms

Welcome to St. Patrick's one stop shop for all the important forms in our Parish! All forms are fillable PDF's and can be completed on your computer. Once completed they can be printed and brought to the St. Ann's Parish office Tuesday or Thursday during office hours, placed in the black drop box outside the office doors, placed in the collection bin during Sunday Mass or emailed to the parish at

The statue of St. Patrick at St. Patrick's Church
Parish Registration
We would love to welcome you to the St. Patrick's community, to register fill out the form below and email to or return in person to the Parish Office.
Registration Form
Pre-Authorized Giving Registration
If you wish to donate to St. Patrick's automatically each month, please fill out the form below and email to or return in person to the Parish Office.
Registration Form
A view of St. Pats from the choir loft
another view of st pats stained glass from below, the stained glass is a cross with the sacred heart of jesus at the centre
Baptism Registration
If you are interested in having your child baptized, please fill out the form below and email to or return in person to the Parish Office.
Registration Form